Brazilian Eye and Skin Estimator


Forensic DNA phenotyping aims to predict appearance traits of an individual based on a DNA sample. Eyes and Skin colors are highly heritable genetic traits and are the most obvious and distinguishable externally visible characteristics to be used for human identification. Genotype-phenotype association studies have focused in detecting single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within genes directly or indirectly involved in pigments synthesis. Here, we introduce you to an easy system for eyes and skin phenotype prediction through DNA.


Select the corresponding genotypes in the selection box and click below to predict the phenotypes.

  • Eyes phenotypes are divided into three classes: Blue, Intermediate and Brown.
  • Skin phenotypes are divided into three classes: Light, Intermediate and Dark
  • Information about genes and SNPs are available on the corresponding links.

If you have any questions, please contact us:


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