Options: -C 0.25 -M 2 === Classifier model (full training set) === J48 pruned tree ------------------ 217851_s_at <= 5.755335 | 201205_at <= 4.391089: Astrocytoma (8.0) | 201205_at > 4.391089: Glioblastoma (12.0) 217851_s_at > 5.755335 | 1564684_at <= 2.492588: Oligodendrioglioma (7.0) | 1564684_at > 2.492588: glioblastoma-cell-line (10.0) Number of Leaves : 4 Size of the tree : 7 Time taken to build model: 0.82 seconds Time taken to test model on training data: 0.47 seconds === Error on training data === Correctly Classified Instances 37 100 % Incorrectly Classified Instances 0 0 % Kappa statistic 1 Mean absolute error 0 Root mean squared error 0 Relative absolute error 0 % Root relative squared error 0 % Total Number of Instances 37 === Detailed Accuracy By Class === TP Rate FP Rate Precision Recall F-Measure MCC ROC Area PRC Area Class 1,000 0,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Glioblastoma 1,000 0,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Astrocytoma 1,000 0,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Oligodendrioglioma 1,000 0,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 glioblastoma-cell-line Weighted Avg. 1,000 0,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 === Confusion Matrix === a b c d <-- classified as 12 0 0 0 | a = Glioblastoma 0 8 0 0 | b = Astrocytoma 0 0 7 0 | c = Oligodendrioglioma 0 0 0 10 | d = glioblastoma-cell-line Time taken to perform cross-validation: 1.53 seconds === Stratified cross-validation === Correctly Classified Instances 15 40.5405 % Incorrectly Classified Instances 22 59.4595 % Kappa statistic 0.198 Mean absolute error 0.2973 Root mean squared error 0.5452 Relative absolute error 80.0825 % Root relative squared error 126.4483 % Total Number of Instances 37 === Detailed Accuracy By Class === TP Rate FP Rate Precision Recall F-Measure MCC ROC Area PRC Area Class 0,417 0,280 0,417 0,417 0,417 0,137 0,568 0,363 Glioblastoma 0,250 0,207 0,250 0,250 0,250 0,043 0,522 0,225 Astrocytoma 0,143 0,233 0,125 0,143 0,133 -0,086 0,455 0,180 Oligodendrioglioma 0,700 0,074 0,778 0,700 0,737 0,648 0,813 0,626 glioblastoma-cell-line Weighted Avg. 0,405 0,200 0,423 0,405 0,414 0,212 0,603 0,369 === Confusion Matrix === a b c d <-- classified as 5 3 4 0 | a = Glioblastoma 5 2 0 1 | b = Astrocytoma 2 3 1 1 | c = Oligodendrioglioma 0 0 3 7 | d = glioblastoma-cell-line